Project 2: Introduction to the background and theory

David L Miller


Thomas Cornulier


Problem specification

Kittiwakes: how are they doing?

  • Measure: “breeding success”
    • Number of fledglings per year
    • (From “apparently occupied nests”)

A basic model

Breeding success is a function of time

\[ \texttt{Fledg}_t = \exp\left(\beta_0 + \texttt{AON}_t + s(t)\right) \]

where \(\texttt{Fledg}_t \sim \text{Tweedie}(\phi, p)\).

  • \(t\) indexes years
  • \(\beta_0\) is an intercept
  • \(\texttt{Fledg}_t\) is the number of fledglings
  • \(\texttt{AON}_t\) number of apparently occupied nests
  • \(s(t)\) smooth of year

In R…

m_t <- gam(Fledg ~ offset(log(AON + 1)) + s(Year, k=20),
                     data= kit1_fi, family= tw())

That’s all well and good, but…

We need to do some ecology?

  • We want to know why
  • What influences this?
    • (Remotely sensed) covariates?
      • sea surface temperature
      • lesser sandeel Ammodytes marinus distribution


Sand eels

Langton, R., Boulcott, P. and Wright P.J. (2021) A verified distribution model for the lesser sandeel Ammodytes marinus. Marine Ecology Progress Series.

What does that look like?

(zoom and enhance)

  • Which value should we take?
    • Closest?
    • Average?
      • At what distance?
  • What does the literature say?

Let’s simplify that

  • We know a little about foraging distance
  • Rings (annuli 🧐)
    • Simplifying assumption
    • 10km wide, up to 100km away

How can we build a model for this?

New problem specification

  • We now have 10 values (10 rings) of sandeel density
  • We don’t know which one is “right”
    • 👻 maybe more than one is right 👻
  • How can we include 10 values in the model?

Approaches from literature

  • Put all the covariates in the model
    • eel1 + eel2 + ...
    • Colinearity?
    • Independence??
  • Fit a LOT of models
    • Which is best (by AIC?)?
    • Is this a good idea? (No)

🧠 Extending to multiple sites

  • Can we learn something about general kittiwake ecology?
  • What can we generalize?
  • What can we say about overall trends?

What do we really want here?

  • Some average over the rings, but how do we weight them?
  • What if we could weight while fitting?
    • more efficient use of information
    • (hint: that’s what we’ll do)

What does that data actually look like?

  • (Restricting to 80km radius)
  • We have 8 data points
  • For one site
  • Can we get the model to select which one(s) are useful?
    • (Yes)

Weighted averaging

  • To estimate a weighted mean:

\[ \sum_j w_j x_j \]

  • what if \(w_j\) and \(x_j\) are functions?

\[ \sum_j w(z_j) x(z_j) \]

Weighted averaging in a GAM

\[ \sum_j w(z_j) x(z_j) \]

  • \(w(z_j)\) is a smooth we estimate

  • \(x(z_j)\) is the sandeel density

  • \(z_j\) are the distances

  • \(\Rightarrow\) weighted average of sandeel density over the distances

    • where we estimate the weighting

Let’s do that…

Enter signal regression

Signal regression, in maths

\[ \texttt{Fledg}_t = \exp\left( \beta_0 + \texttt{AON}_t + s(t) + \sum_j w(d_j) e(d_j) \right) \]

  • Everything else as before but now an extra weighted sum
  • \(d_j\) are the distance “lags” we have sandeel density at
  • \(w(d_j)\) is our smooth of distance
  • \(e(d_j)\) is the value of sand eel density at distance \(d_j\)

Signal regression, in R

m_t_e <- gam(Fledg ~ offset(log(AON + 1)) +
                     s(Year, k=20) +
                     s(lagm, by=sandeels_fi, k=6),
             data= kit_sub, family= tw())

“estimate a smooth (the weighting) of lagm (distances) and multiply by the sandeel density at that distance”

What does that data look like?

  • lagm and sandeels_fi are nrow(kit_sub) \(\times\) (number of distances) matrices
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]
[1,]   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80
[2,]   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80
[3,]   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80
[4,]   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80
[5,]   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80
[6,]   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80
          [,1]      [,2]    [,3]     [,4]     [,5]     [,6]    [,7]     [,8]
[1,] 0.5881714 0.4039171 0.21924 1.180914 1.648092 1.119965 1.01492 1.094924
[2,] 0.5881714 0.4039171 0.21924 1.180914 1.648092 1.119965 1.01492 1.094924
[3,] 0.5881714 0.4039171 0.21924 1.180914 1.648092 1.119965 1.01492 1.094924
[4,] 0.5881714 0.4039171 0.21924 1.180914 1.648092 1.119965 1.01492 1.094924
[5,] 0.5881714 0.4039171 0.21924 1.180914 1.648092 1.119965 1.01492 1.094924
[6,] 0.5881714 0.4039171 0.21924 1.180914 1.648092 1.119965 1.01492 1.094924


We can use signal regression (aka scalar-on-function regression) to make weighted averages of “functional” data.

We assume that sandeel density is a function of distance from colony.

We estimate the weighting needed during fitting.

Adding complication: more sites

Adding sites

  • Want to look at colony status over multiple sites
  • Let’s include data from 14 sites
    • (where we have the sandeel data)

Adding site-specific effects (maths)

\[\begin{equation} \texttt{Fledg}_{ti} = \exp\left( \beta_0 + \texttt{AON}_{ti} + s(t) +\\ \qquad \sum_j w(d_j) e_i(d_j) + \texttt{Site}_i \right) \end{equation}\]

  • (extra index \(i\) for site)
  • AON is now site (\(i\)) and time (\(t\)) specific
  • site random intercept \(\texttt{Site}_i\)
  • sandeel density per site \(e_i()\)
    • but still looking for common distance smooth!

Adding site-specific effects (R)

m_t_e_s <- gam(Fledg ~ offset(log(AON + 1)) +
                       s(Year, k=20) +
                       s(lagm, by=sandeels_fi, k=6) +
                       s(Site, bs="re"),
               data= kit2, family= tw())

What does that look like?

Some things to think about here

  • How reasonable is this model?
  • Do we expect that the distance effect is the same for all sites?
  • Should we have a spatial effect rather than site random effect?
  • Are there other plausible models?

But we need to keep going…

More complicated example using SST

Sea surface temperature

  • How should we include SST in the model?
  • Expand our model like this?

\[ \texttt{Fledg}_t = \exp\left(\beta_0 + \texttt{AON}_t + s(t) + s(\texttt{SST}_t)\right) \]

  • Easy, right?

Things are never easy…

  • We have weekly SST
  • We have SST on a 10km grid
  • Which one is important?

Going back to just Dunbar

That’s a lot

We can do the same trick though!

  • Let’s simplify again using rings
  • Two lags: time and distance
  • Let’s do all sites
    • and let the smooth vary by site

What can we get to?

What just happened?

No, really

  • We made another average but it’s really fancy now
  • For a given \(\texttt{Site}\)

\[ \sum_j \sum_k w(d_j, t_k, \texttt{Site}) \texttt{SST}(d_j, t_k, \texttt{Site}) \]

  • \(w(d_j, t_k, \texttt{Site})\) is a smooth we estimate
  • \(\texttt{SST}(d_j, t_k, \texttt{Site})\) is the SST
  • \(d_j\) are the distances
  • \(t_k\) is the week

How do we build \(w(d_j, t_k, \texttt{Site})\)

  • Let’s start with just making a smooth of 2 variables
    • \(s(x, y)\)
    • but \(x\) and \(y\) are on different scales
  • Tensor products!

Tensor what?

Looking for a smooth function \(f(X1, X2)\)

Smoothing over \(X1\)

  • Let’s start with a standard 1D smoother

\[ s(X1) = \sum_k \beta_k b_k(X1) \]

  • Built from basis functions \(b_k(X1)\)
  • With coefficients \(\beta_k\) (“weights”)

Smoothing over \(X1\)

  • Let’s start with a standard 1D smoother

\[ s(X1) = \sum_k \beta_k b_k(X1) \]

  • Built from basis functions \(b_k(X1)\)

  • With coefficients \(\beta_k\) (“weights”)

  • We want to let \(s(X1)\) vary with \(X2\)

Making \(s(X1)\) vary smoothly with \(X2\)

\[ s(X1) = \sum_k \beta_k b_k(X1) \]

\(\beta_k\) now 1D smooth function of \(X2\)

\[ \beta_k(X2) = \sum_j \alpha_{jk} a_j(X2) \]

Making \(s(X1)\) vary smoothly with \(X2\)

\[ s(X1) = \sum_k \beta_k b_k(X1) \]

\[ \beta_k(X2) = \sum_j \alpha_{jk} a_j(X2) \]

\[ f(X1,X2) = \]

\[ \sum_j \sum_k \alpha_{jk} a_j(X2) b_k(X1) \]

What about that Site bit?

  • We can go from 2 to more dimensions
  • Site is special because it’s a factor
  • but we can tensor splines and random effects
  • Generates a copy of the smooth for each Site
    • smoothing towards each other
  • (see also Fergus’ talk!)
  • This is a kind of hierarchical GAM

So, in R?

Setting-up the model in R

m_dts <- gam(Fledg ~ offset(log(AON + 1)) + Year + Site +
                 te(Dm, Tm, Sitem, by= SSTm, k= c(4, 4, 14),
                    bs= c("tp", "tp", "re")),
             data= kit2,
             family=tw(), method= "REML")

Setting-up the model in R

m_dts <- gam(Fledg ~ offset(log(AON + 1)) + Year + Site +
                 te(Dm, Tm, Sitem, by= SSTm, k= c(4, 4, 14),
                    bs= c("tp", "tp", "re")),
             data= kit2,
             family=tw(), method= "REML")
  • te(Dm, Tm, Sitem) would just be our 3D smooth
    • Dm is a distance matrix
    • Tm is a weekly matrix
    • Sitem is a site matrix
  • SSTm is a matrix of SSTs
    • Like before, but rows are different for each site


  • We want 💅fancy💅 averages
  • We can use any kind of smooth to make them
  • We do need to faff making the lag matrices
  • by= just means “premultiply by”

That’s all folks!