Multidimensional smoothing: space-time variation

Thomas Cornulier

Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland

R setup


# loading the Cosmic-ray soil moisture data
try(load("data/cosmos-processed.RData"), silent= T)

# shorten response variable name
names(all_sites)[names(all_sites) == "COSMOS_VWC"] <- "VWC"
names(all_sites)[names(all_sites) == "LATITUDE"] <- "LAT"
names(all_sites)[names(all_sites) == "LONGITUDE"] <- "LON"

# compute "DAY OF THE YEAR" variable
all_sites$doy<- as.numeric(format(all_sites$DATE_TIME, "%j"))

Where did we leave the analysis?

scot_sites<- subset(all_sites, SITE_NAME %in% 
  c("Crichton", "Easter Bush", "Hartwood Home",
  "Cochno", "Balruddery", "Glensaugh"))

b_all_ts<- gam(VWC ~ SOIL_TYPE +
                    s(ndate) +
                    s(SITE_ID, bs= "re") +
                    s(ALTITUDE, k= 5, bs= "ts"),
                data= scot_sites, method= "REML")
par(mfrow= c(3, 1))

Where did we leave the analysis?

  • clear temporal variation from s(ndate)

  • clear between-site variation from s(SITE_ID, bs= "re")

    • spatial variation not explained by s(ALTITUDE, k= 5, bs= "ts")
Parametric coefficients: 
                      Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)     
(Intercept)             39.821      3.550  11.216   <2e-16 *** 
SOIL_TYPEOrganic soil   10.113      8.698   1.163    0.245     
Approximate significance of smooth terms: 
                  edf Ref.df        F p-value     
s(ndate)    8.8413793  8.992  165.574  <2e-16 *** 
s(SITE_ID)  3.9983209  4.000 3777.345  <2e-16 *** 
s(ALTITUDE) 0.0002275  4.000    0.008   0.637     
par(mfrow= c(3, 1))

  • Is there a seasonal pattern?
  • Is there any spatial trend?

1. Is there a seasonal pattern?

Is there a seasonal pattern?

  • = Repeatable pattern year-on-year
  • Soil moisture on 31st December and on 1st Jan should be similar (ends should match):
    • value
    • curvature (up to 2nd derivative)
  • Answer is a cyclic spline: s(doy, bs= "cc")
b_scot_season<- gam(VWC ~ SOIL_TYPE +
                    s(ndate) +
                    s(SITE_ID, bs= "re") +
                    s(doy, bs= "cc", k= 20),
                data= scot_sites, method= "REML")

Is there a seasonal pattern?

  • = Repeatable pattern year-on-year
  • Soil moisture on 31st December and on 1st Jan should be similar (ends should match):
    • value
    • curvature (up to 2nd derivative)
  • Answer is a cyclic spline: s(doy, bs= "cc")
b_scot_season<- gam(VWC ~ SOIL_TYPE +
                    s(ndate) +
                    s(SITE_ID, bs= "re") +
                    s(doy, bs= "cc", k= 20),
                data= scot_sites, method= "REML")

Is there a seasonal pattern?


(together with a less structured temporal trend)

Is there a seasonal pattern?


(together with a less structured temporal trend)

2. Is there any spatial trend?

Is there a general spatial trend?

51 sites across the UK.

Mean soil moiture per site:

site_mean<- aggregate(cbind(LAT, LON, VWC) ~ SITE_ID,
                      data= all_sites, FUN= mean)

head(site_mean, 3)
  SITE_ID      LAT       LON      VWC
1   ALIC1 51.15355 -0.858232 33.89351
2   BALRD 56.48230 -3.111488 31.45031
3   BICKL 53.02635 -2.700530 30.40025
symbols(x= site_mean[, c("LON", "LAT")],
        circles= site_mean$VWC,
        bg= "green3", fg= "green4",
        inches= 0.15, ylim= c(50, 60), asp= 1)

map('world', 'UK', add= T)

Is there a general spatial trend?

  • sounds like a smooth 2D surface…
  • so, a bivariate (2D) spline?
  • something like: s(LON, LAT)

2D spline

  • One way to do this:
    • construct 2D spline bases (“volumes”)
    • add them up with weights-> smooth surface

\[ s(X1,X2) = \sum_i \delta_{i} d_i(X1,X2) \]

  • in mgcv, s(X1, X2, k= n)
  • Generalizes to any number of dimensions

Intuition with 9 spline bases (k= 9)

Is there a general spatial trend?

b_all_s<- gam(VWC ~ SOIL_TYPE +
                    s(ndate) +
                    s(doy, bs= "cc", k= 20) +
                    s(LON, LAT, k= 45), 
                    data= all_sites, method= "REML")

plot(b_all_s, scheme= 2)
map('world', 'UK', add= T)

Was dropping the site random effect a good idea?

Approximate significance of smooth terms: 
              edf Ref.df    F p-value     
s(ndate)    8.994      9 1714  <2e-16 *** 
s(doy)     17.675     18 5452  <2e-16 *** 
s(LON,LAT) 43.988     44 6655  <2e-16 *** 
R-sq.(adj) =  0.826   Deviance explained = 82.6% 
-REML = 4.1906e+05  Scale est. = 42.306    n = 127228 

…………………………………………….(Probably not)

3. Does the seasonal pattern change with latitude? (space-time smoothing)

Space-time smoothing

s(doy, LAT)

b_seaslatno<- bam(VWC ~ SOIL_TYPE +
                    s(ndate) +
                    s(doy, LAT, k= 40) +
                    s(SITE_ID, bs= "re"),
                    data= all_sites, method= "REML")

par(mfrow= c(3, 1))
plot(b_seaslatno, scheme= 1)

Seasonal pattern (“doy” effect) changing with latitude:

  • maybeee…??
  • odd pattern

Isotropy issue

  • LAT: 50 - 56° North (6 units range)
  • doy: 1 - 366 days (365 units range)


  • would like cyclic effect for doy
  • but not for LAT

Anisotropic multidimensional smoothing: tensor product smooths

Looking for a smooth function \(f(X1, X2)\)

Smoothing over \(X1\)

  • Let’s start with a standard 1D smoother

\[ s(X1) = \sum_k \beta_k b_k(X1) \]

  • Built from basis functions \(b_k(X1)\)
  • With coefficients \(\beta_k\) (“weights”)

Smoothing over \(X1\)

  • Let’s start with a standard 1D smoother

\[ s(X1) = \sum_k \beta_k b_k(X1) \]

  • Built from basis functions \(b_k(X1)\)

  • With coefficients \(\beta_k\) (“weights”)

  • We want to let \(s(X1)\) vary with \(X2\)

Making \(s(X1)\) vary smoothly with \(X2\)

  • We have

\[ s(X1) = \sum_k \beta_k b_k(X1) \]

  • Now, let \(s(X1)\) coefficients \(\beta_k\) be a 1D smooth function of \(X2\)

\[ \beta_k(X2) = \sum_j \alpha_{jk} a_j(X2) \]

Making \(s(X1)\) vary smoothly with \(X2\)

\[ s(X1) = \sum_k \beta_k b_k(X1) \]

\[ \beta_k(X2) = \sum_j \alpha_{jk} a_j(X2) \]

Combining these 1D smooths gives a “tensor product”

\[ f(X1,X2) = \]

\[ \sum_j \sum_k \alpha_{jk} a_j(X2) b_k(X1) \]

Isotropic vs. anisotropic smooth

2D spline

\[ s(X1,X2) = \]

\[ \sum_i \delta_{i} d_i(X1,X2) \]

  • Single multivariate spline
  • Same smoothness in all directions

Tensor product

\[ f(X1,X2) = \]

\[ \sum_j \sum_k \alpha_{jk} a_j(X2) b_k(X1) \]

  • Product of 1D splines per margin
  • Different spline types & penalties

Isotropic vs. anisotropic smooth

2D spline

In mgcv,
s(X1,X2, k=n, bs="tp")

Tensor product

In mgcv,
te(X1,X2, k=c(n1,n2), bs=c("tp","cc"))

Space-time smoothing in practice

te(doy, LAT, bs= c("cc", "tp"))

b_seaslat<- gam(VWC ~ SOIL_TYPE +
                    s(ndate) +
                    te(doy, LAT, bs= c("cc", "tp"), k= c(20, 15)) +
                    s(SITE_ID, bs= "re"),
                    data= all_sites, method= "REML")

par(mfrow= c(1, 3))
plot(b_seaslat, scheme= 1)

Interpreting the space-time smooth

Predicting for a range of set latitudes

LAT_vec<- seq(min(all_sites$LAT), 
                max(all_sites$LAT), l= 9)

par(mfrow= c(3, 3))
for(i in 1:9){
  predicted<- predict(b_seaslat, 
     newdata= data.frame(
       all_sites[1, c("SOIL_TYPE", 
       doy= 1:365,
       LAT= LAT_vec[i]

  plot(1:365, predicted, type= "l", 
        xlab= "Day of the year", 
        main= paste("LAT=", round(LAT_vec[i], 1)),
        ylim= c(20, 60))


  • CI too narrow
  • Overfitting
  • WHY?
    • non-independence
    • heterogeneity of variance?
    • bias / lack of fit?

Overfitting: curse or blessing?

  • GAMs particularly sensitive to assumptions
    • non-independence
    • variance heterogeneity
  • Leads to overfitting (too much wigglyness)
  • Overfitting less apparent in simpler LM / GLMs
    • confidence limits too narrow
    • model selection favoring too large models
  • Overfitting → model diagnostic opportunity
  • Need domain expertise and critical evaluation

More advanced GAMs

  • Mixed-effect GAMs: non-independence by space, time, cluster, etc…
  • Hierarchical GAMs (random curves)
  • Univariate / multivariate Likelihoods
  • Many more spline types available
  • GAMs for big data sets: bam (used mostly like gam)
  • Functional modelling

Cumulative effect of rainfall on soil wetness

  • Wetness affected by rainfall
  • Not just on the day
  • Cumulative effect of previous days (lags)

  • gam(VWC ~ SOIL_TYPE + R0 + R1 + R2 + R3 + R4 + R5 + R6 + R7 + s(SITE_ID, bs= "re")) could be problematic
  • Possible interactions between lags, e.g.
    • hydrophobicity due to draught
    • soil saturation after heavy rain
  • Functional regression to the rescue f(Rainfall, Lag)


  • Ad-hoc cyclic patterns: bs= "cc"
  • Multivariate smooths
    • isotropic s(X1,X2)
    • anisotropic te(X1,X2)
  • Interpretation in 3D or more:
    • slicing the salami (haggis) can help
    • decomposing the smooth (optional exercise)
  • Check model carefully. Where’s Wiggly? 👀

Image credits

MarxEilers.png from B. D. Marx and P. H. C. Eilers, “Multidimensional Penalized Signal Regression,” Technometrics, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 13–22, Feb. 2005, doi: 10.1198/004017004000000626.

balloons_cappadocia.jpg by Alexey Komarov (CC BY 2.0 Deed)

tennis-product-smoosh.png by T.Cornulier (CC BY 4.0 Deed)

spine.jpg by M.Baird (CC BY 2.0 Deed)

leek.jpg by Joy (CC BY 2.0 Deed)

WheresWallyCrop.jpg modified from W.Murphy (CC BY-SA 2.0 Deed)